Monday, August 24, 2009

The Countdown Begins

Seven days and I'm supposed to begin my new job warping young minds. I have no question that I can warp them, my only problem is... I'm still not prepared!!! My book hasn't arrived, My eRaider account still has me listed as a student so I have no way of getting to my roll or anything, and I feel like I'm behind on everything. ARRRGGGHHH!!!

Ok, I'm better now. I wonder if all first time teachers start feeling this much anxiety right before they start? The good thing is that I'll be teaching stuff that I already know pretty well, so there shouldn't be any trepidation about that.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. you will be fine... this should be your mantra... "I will be fine"
    I felt exactly like this last week going BACK to school, it will all work it's self out... you will be fine.

    PS... I was having anxiety dreams before school started, almost every night, the move probably had something to do with it too. The night before my first day, I had a dream that I showed up to work naked, BUT instead of being terrified (like a normal person) I was like " shit, forgot my clothes, typical" HA

    you will be fine.....
