Monday, August 16, 2010

The Scary Man Himself

I've always really loved Tim Burton's movies but never really noticed the rest of his art.  I was wandering around in the "Trends" section of Hastings one day, you know where they keep all the cool toys for unusual girls and boys, and found Oyster Boy.  Now if you don't know Oyster Boy there is a book of poetry that I think is named "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy", which Tim Burton did that has all sorts of wonderful characters like Stick Boy, Stain Boy, Match Girl, etc.  It's laced with that typical Tim Burton dark humor with just a dash of arsenic thrown in.

Since I found this I've been fascinated by his stuff.  I guess it's something about the emaciated characters with enormous heads and huge eyes that I dig... that combined with the rather unique situations they often find themselves in.

I was hoping around a bit online today and found this:

Not real hard to guess where that leads is it?  It has a fun little set of galleries that you can explore using Stain Boy as your guide.  Wonderful dark humorous imagery!

Eric Orchard

I love Mr. Orchard's stuff, have been a fan for a while now, but this one I absolutely love.