Thursday, July 7, 2011

My "Other" Blog

With the sludge of guilt burying me, I stumble back to my abandoned blog, head down, to give a clue as to what is up.

Honestly I've been much more focused on my other blog and portfolio site, which you can find here:


Rest assured I am alive and well, just focused in a different direction than I was.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Gravy Mile

Just watched a guy run a mile on a treadmill and consume more processed snack cakes than a person should EVER eat while doing it.  I'm telling you, I did the math and the minimum number of calories he packed away is close to 5000, all sugar and carbs.  Don't think he died afterwards which is the most surprising part.

It was done as a promotion for Betabrand, makers of Cordarounds and some of the more unique clothing items you'll ever find, including discorounds, reversible smoking jackets, "Wrath" pants and the ultracool Cornucopia bag.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

3:00? Like, in the morning?

I just looked up my stats and I keep getting views at 3:00 AM.  Wondering if it couldn't be an insomniac cousin of mine perhaps?

School is off to a rocky start, I'm glad I prepared and have four-wheel drive.  The whole "laptop initiative" thing has caused all sorts of little glitches and because of those I didn't get to start my second class until almost 45 minutes after when I should have.  I feel bad for them since they had to sit here until 8:00 just in my lecture.

I think it'll be a good year though.  I've fooled them for two days now into thinking I actually know something.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Scary Man Himself

I've always really loved Tim Burton's movies but never really noticed the rest of his art.  I was wandering around in the "Trends" section of Hastings one day, you know where they keep all the cool toys for unusual girls and boys, and found Oyster Boy.  Now if you don't know Oyster Boy there is a book of poetry that I think is named "The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy", which Tim Burton did that has all sorts of wonderful characters like Stick Boy, Stain Boy, Match Girl, etc.  It's laced with that typical Tim Burton dark humor with just a dash of arsenic thrown in.

Since I found this I've been fascinated by his stuff.  I guess it's something about the emaciated characters with enormous heads and huge eyes that I dig... that combined with the rather unique situations they often find themselves in.

I was hoping around a bit online today and found this:

Not real hard to guess where that leads is it?  It has a fun little set of galleries that you can explore using Stain Boy as your guide.  Wonderful dark humorous imagery!

Eric Orchard

I love Mr. Orchard's stuff, have been a fan for a while now, but this one I absolutely love.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Total Nerd

I know I'm a total nerd but when I have a few extra minutes, I've been creating Personas for Firefox.  I have four right now and the sad thing is I got a huge thrill when I checked today and 21 other people are using them.  Sad validation isn't it?  Anyway, if you use Firefox you can type Personas in the search bar and it's usually the first on the list.  Do a search for evrman and you should be able to find the four I've done so far.